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Elevate Your Consumer Experience with Appointment Banking


Elevate Your Consumer Experience with Appointment Banking


Consumer expectations have changed greatly in the past couple of years, making a shift in a digital direction. People can now accomplish virtually anything online, from buying a house sight-unseen to fully earning a PhD. 


Financial institutions must embrace digital solutions where they can, as they are now expected by consumers and necessary to keep them engaged with your products and services. 


Appointment banking is a vital offering that financial institutions should be offering in the increasingly digital world. Constricting a consumer to your branch’s operating hours and subjecting them to call center wait times just to schedule a future appointment is no longer the expected or tolerated consumer experience. 


A poor scheduling experience will drive consumers away. Allowing them to autonomously schedule their own appointments with their bank or credit union while their needs are top-of-mind provides a seamless, smooth, simple journey.  


Going further, your appointment banking strategy might include triggering an email or text message to a consumer after scheduling an appointment, detailing any required paperwork they can fill out beforehand and other important information that can optimize their time during the appointment. 


The legwork for getting a consumer through your doors can and should be automated with an appointment management solution, saving both you and the consumer time and resources.  


With FTSI’s L6 Appointment Management Solution, financial institutions can elevate the consumer experience by: 

  • Increasing Engagement
  • Providing Easily Accessible Touchpoints 
  • Allowing Consumers to Engage at Any Time 
  • Reducing Call Center Congestion 
  • Optimizing Appointment Times 
  • Increasing Conversion Rates 


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